Documentary Singles

Mim Shaikh: Finding Dad

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Category: Single Documentary

Director: Lottie Gammon

Executive Producers: Suzanne Lavery, Simon Chinn, Jonathan Chinn

Producer: Lottie Gammon

Distribution: BBC Three


Mim Shaikh sets out on a deeply personal journey to find the father he hasn’t seen in 26 years. Delving into his family history he discovers the truth of what happened to his parents' marriage and embarks on an unforgettable and deeply personal global journey of discovery.

"Shaikh’s new hour-long BBC documentary, Finding Dad, in which he goes in search of the father he has not seen since he was a baby – whom he has never even seen a picture of. It’s a journey that sees him crossing continents, discovering new relatives, but also uncovering old wounds."

The Guardian, Coco Khan 18th October 2018

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